Everything You Didn't Know About Animals
In-Show Content / Show Package
Did you know that frogs swallow their food with their eyes? Neither did we until we were tasked with creating all the in-show content for the Nat Geo Wild series “Everything You Didn’t Know About Animals”. The show is an in-depth look at some of the world’s most amazing species, diving into the science and uncovering facts that you might not know. Beginning with a 5-day shoot, we shot all the specialty footage that forms the backbone of each episode. Simultaneously, we built detailed 3D models of each animal, complete with hair, skeletons and internal organs. As each episode was being shaped, we animated these models to highlight how specific body parts work and explain their capabilities. We also created a variety of 2D infographics and more comedic elements to help entertain as well as inform. To cap it all off, we designed a massive show package to create a visual link between the in-show CG segments, footage and graphics. A monumental effort with over 600 deliverables, the project pulled from every aspect of our skill set - live action directing, design, 3D character animation and visual effects.
Examples of In-Show Elements